
Christian founded Better Planning & Investing to make financial planning more widely available to those who want more control over their finances. By getting rid of investment commissions and large up-front planning fees he is removing the barriers to better advice. My experience has taught me that financial planning not only increases the chances of success but also lowers financial stress. Clients often feel that the collaborative nature of planning gives them more control.

The Problem:

When Christian started as a broker in the late 1990’s he found an industry segmented into various types of salespeople. Brokers sold stocks. Annuity salesmen sold annuities. Insurance brokers sold insurance.

The consumer had no idea how each product fit into their personal needs and were reluctant to engage with salespeople.

Financial planners often worked for a fixed fee, but the fee was very high to compensate the planner for all the time they spent collecting and analyzing the client data, and as such, benefitted the wealthiest the most. Comprehensive financial advice seemed out of reach for the average saver who’s financial world was becoming more complex each year. Investment advisors have begun to use calculators and tools to add value for their clients. But too often these are overly simplistic and not tailored to the details of the client’s life.

The Solution:

While working as a financial planner for a top Silicon Valley Financial Advisor, Christian began to see that the real value being provided was not investment advice, but rather comprehensive financial plans that addressed client’s goals. At that time, financial planning was still very much a paper dominated industry.

Today, Fintech has created powerful tools that can securely integrate together, saving time and administrative expense. But few financial planners today have made use of the innovations. Better Planning and Investing was created to lower the costs of financial planning and pass the savings onto the consumer to allow the best financial advice to become available for middle income savers as well as the wealthy.

Fintech plus personal service

Tech can be extremely useful, but sometimes you want to talk directly with a real person. If you’re having trouble give us a call at (503) 217-2258!